Need-to-know Market Research on Japan
We have nine years of experience conducting market research on Japan under our belts at Tokyoesque. Come to us for research that is influenced by a deep awareness of cultural difference. We believe it is always important to consider our audiences from a globally aware & curious perspective – in other words, put yourself in their shoes. Understand their problems so you can provide the best solutions.

Market Overview Reports
Customised market research on Japan in your sector. We can cover other regions in addition. Our global market research reports can cover market size, new trends / innovations and competitors. We always present the opportunities and gaps in the market.
Global Market Interviews & Focus Groups
Investigate the mindsets of your target customers and / or sector experts in your markets of choice. We do both B2B / B2C, with analysis and recommendations. In addition, we can help understand your customers’ perspectives using ethnographic research practices such as at-home visits and diary studies.

Online Questionnaires & Panels
Ask Japanese audiences what you need to know about their behaviour, attitudes, likes / dislikes regarding your industry and offering. We will spearhead questionnaire creation, recruitment and post-study analysis with actionable recommendations.
Global Concept Testing & Activation
We can help you activate your brand strategy in Japan and other overseas markets, with marketing plans, product and brand analysis and concept testing. We utilise cultural insight such as semiotic analysis to help you think from the cultural viewpoint of your overseas customers to ensure your messaging is on target.

Contact us to discuss how we can help with your market research on Japan.